Gabriella Russo
Gabriella is one of AT&Sā Subject Matter Experts, delivering online safety training for The National College. She is also the online safety expert for FosterWiki.
Gabriella has over 25 years experience working directly with children, young people and families. She has worked in schools, children's homes and faith communities. Her roles have included support work, advocacy and delivering training both to service users and frontline professionals.
Gabriella has worked with children in the care system, and those who have been subjected to abuse. She has managed staff and volunteer teams. She has worked in anti-human trafficking as a national trainer and a First Responder for the NRM, working directly with victims of trafficking.
Gabriella has also worked at the NSPCC in a management role overseeing the anti-abuse programme in primary schools across six London Boroughs.
Gabriella works within school settings, colleges and universities within the UK and abroad, local safeguarding boards, charities and businesses, ensuring their safeguarding is robust and up-to-date.